Saturday, November 01, 2003

Egypt Photos

First photo of Egypt: The Great Pyramid of Cheops on the left, the Pyramid of Khefren on the right, and a Dromedary in the middle.

If this guy saw me take his picture, I guarantee I'd be charged at least 30 EGP.

The Great Pyramid, un-encased.

Sphinx and Pyramid. Postcard anyone?

The obligatory touristy shot. ...this one was not my idea.

The colored lights of Cairo nights: on a boat on the Nile, passing another boat with similar fluorescent-rainbow lighting.

First photo of Alexandria! What a relief it was to visit this breezy coastal city, especially as it was right at sundown on the only day I observed the fast of Ramadan.

Top Gym. For bigger bodies and smaller craniums. At an Alexandria near you.

The view from the balcony (yes, Balcony!) in our Alexandria Hotel. Our room, if I remember correctly, cost roughly 30 EGP/ night. This translates into £3.00, and it was the best hired accomodation of the trip.

Too cool for Cairo.

Ah, the Cecil! Home of many a mirror-world meeting.

The mirror in which Darley met Justine...

The Temple of Luxor. (This is funny because "Luxor" comes from the Arabic "Al-Uqsar," meaning "The Palaces." The Temple of Luxor, then, nonsensically means "The Temple of Palaces.")

More of the Temple of Luxor.

The Temple of Hatshepsut in the Valley of the Queens across the river from Luxor.

Hieroglyphs in Hatshepsut's temple.

Stark scenery of the Temple of Hatshepsut

Competition was fierce at this year's contest...

Peakaboo: I see Hatshepsut-Hathor!

Amazingly preserved hierogylphics--check out the color!

The Colossi of Memnon outside the Valley of the Kings near Luxor.

The afternoon sun over the Nile from a posh hotel in Luxor.

Nothing compares to the sight of the sun setting slowly over the Nile, a felucca darting in and out of the flame, while drinking Chai 'Annan (Mint Tea) after an exhausting day. Nothing.

On the last trip of the trip: a first-class sleeper journey from Luxor to Cairo. Theoretically two days from home, but realistically miles from anywhere... Posted by Hello


Blogger mkcillip said...

Brand new photoblog. Brand new comments. Enjoyez-vous!

18 May 2004 at 14:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my favourite photo is the one with you looking rather dashing in front of the pyramid. You look really tall cos the pyramid looks really small.

20 May 2004 at 21:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

20 May 2004 at 21:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Heather, I just didn't want to have sign up for something.

You went to the Temple of Hathor!! Yay!! Hathor! And you saw all the cool pyramids and statues and stuff!! "dances around"

You went to see Hathor. "grins"

20 June 2004 at 23:01  

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