Saturday, June 12, 2004

Here come the brides!

On my recent trip home, I was lucky enough to attend the wedding of two of my friends from Denison, Kara and Katie, above. Don't they look so happy? These pictures are from immediately after the ceremony and include many from Denison.

Here they are again, this time posing for somebody else's picture.

Katie with her mother.

Some people don't like their pictures taken...

But I got her this time. Nancy, Rachel, and Hydy.

Sarah and Debbie

And here she is again! The little shutterbug...

Just two seconds too late... Here are Lisa and Sarah.

Sarah again, tripod provided by Nancy.

The Best Cake Ever.

Debbie, Rob, and Sage (and a dozen other people) throw around the ol' disc.

A bit of clever cropping, and you can hardly tell we have no idea where the camera is aimed.

What? What's this? Someone's been sitting in my tonka toy, and here she is! Posted by Hello


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